Publishing Inference Data
Publish Inference Events to Fiddler
After you onboard an ML model or LLM application as a Fiddler Model, you can publish inference events for analysis, performance monitoring, and reporting. There are two types of inference data:
Pre-production data: Static datasets such as training or testing data that serve as Baseline references for comparison
Production data: Time series data from live model inferences that Fiddler monitors against your baselines
Integration Methods
Fiddler offers two ways to publish inference data:
Python Client Library
Use the Python client for Python environments. Publish both production and pre-production inference data with the Model.publish() method.
For more details, see the Python client documentation.
Use the REST API for language-agnostic integration across any platform. Both production and pre-production inference data use a common interface.
For more details, see the Events REST API Guide.
Publish Pre-Production Data
Publish pre-production data to Fiddler as a single dataset. You can add multiple baseline datasets to a model to create customized references for different metrics and alert rules.
Fiddler accepts pre-production data in these formats:
Pandas DataFrame
Parquet file
CSV file
For detailed instructions, see the Creating a Baseline guide.
Pre-production datasets are immutable after publication. You can't update them or delete individual rows.
Upload a Static Pre-Production Baseline
Publish Production Data
Fiddler provides several methods for publishing and editing production inference data:
Batch publishing: Send data in batches using pandas DataFrames, Parquet files, or CSV files
Stream publishing: Send individual events or small batches in near real-time
Update publishing: Modify previously published data
Delete publishing: Remove published data when needed
Fiddler accepts production data in these formats:
Pandas DataFrames
Parquet files
CSV files
List of Python dictionaries (limited to stream and updates)
A list of dictionaries is an additional data format on top of the three common to pre-production and production data.
Choose the method that best fits your use case by reviewing the publishing guides below:
Key Considerations
Here are some considerations to keep in mind as you onboard models and begin publishing production data to Fiddler.
Inference Event Unique Identifier
Fiddler requires a unique identifier on each event published should you later need to update ground truth labels and/or metadata columns.
Define the unique identifier column name when onboarding a model:
A unique index on the event id column is not enforced
As duplicate values are allowed, events sharing the same event id value will all be used in calculating metrics
Inference Event Timestamp
Fiddler requires a timestamp for each inference event which is used as the event occurrence timestamp in time-series monitoring charts and alert rule evaluation.
Define the timestamp column name when onboarding a model:
If not defined, Fiddler will use the time of publication as the event occurrence timestamp
Timestamps are stored and rendered in UTC
Timestamps with timezone are accepted but will be converted to UTC
Fiddler supports basic pandas timestamp formats by inferring from the data
Data Retention Policy
Fiddler retains production inference event data for 90 days. Contact your Fiddler customer success representative if you need a different retention period.
Raw Event Data
Retained for 90 days from publication date
Automatically deleted after 90 days
Policy applies globally
Pre-Calculated Metrics
Standard metrics derived from raw data are retained indefinitely
Dashboards and charts continue to display historical trends after raw data expires
Runtime features
Custom metrics require raw event data and aren't available for data older than 90 days
Last updated
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