Alert Rules REST API Guide
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List of all alert records during specified time_bucket_start and time_bucket_end for the given alert rule
alert id path parameter
requested start time
requested end time
Limit for the pagination
Offset for the pagination
Allows you to order results by any field. For desc order prefix field name with -
and provide comman separated values for multiple fields
Allows you to search by any field.
List latest alert record for each time bucket during specified time_bucket_start and time_bucket_end for the given alert rule
alert id path parameter
requested start time
requested end time
List of all alert rule summary in the given time_bucket_start and time_bucket_end
Allows you to filter by any field.
Allows you to search by any field.
Allows you to order results by any field. For desc order prefix field name with -
and provide comman separated values for multiple fields
Limit for the pagination
Offset for the pagination
requested start time
requested end time
Lists all alert rules configured for a model.
Limit for the pagination
Offset for the pagination
Allows you to filter by any field.
Allows you to order results by any field. For desc order prefix field name with -
and provide comman separated values for multiple fields
Allows you to search by any field.
Returns notification for the given Alert Rule id
alert id path parameter
Create Notification for an Alert Rule
alert id path parameter
Update Notification by Alert Rule id
alert id path parameter