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© 2024 Fiddler Labs, Inc.
Upload artifacts associated with the model
model id path parameter
Deployed Model Artifacts
API version.
Type of response, indicating a normal response.
Update artifacts associated with the model
model id path parameter
Updated Model Artifacts
API version.
Type of response, indicating a normal response.
Details of a specific column for a model
model id path parameter
column_id path parameter
Details of a specific column for a model
API version.
Type of response, indicating a normal response.
A model column representation
Details of all columns for a model
model id path parameter
Details of all columns for a model
API version of the response.
Type of response, indicating a paginated response.
Update a surrogate model
model id path parameter
Unique identifier of the environment associated to the model
Additoinal paramteres specified to deploy surrogate model
Surrogate model updating task with job id
API version.
Type of response, indicating a normal response.
Deploy a surrogate model
model id path parameter
Unique identifier of the environment associated to the model
Additoinal paramteres specified to deploy surrogate model
Surrogate model generation task with job id
API version.
Type of response, indicating a normal response.
Get list of model for provided query and filters
List of models for provided query and filters
API version of the response.
Type of response, indicating a paginated response.
Delete a model
model id path parameter
Details of a model delete job
API version.
Type of response, indicating a normal response.
Generate model from the given data sample
Generated model
API version.
Type of response, indicating a normal response.
Details of a model for given model id
model id path parameter
Model JSON response for provided model id
API version.
Type of response, indicating a normal response.
Update the fields of a model
model id path parameter
XAI parameters set for a model
Display name for the model
Event id column to be found in published data for the model
Timestamp column to be found in published data for the model
Format of the timestamp like datetime, epoch time etc.
Updated model JSON response
API version.
Type of response, indicating a normal response.
Add a new model under a project
Name of the model
Version of the model
UUID format unique identifier for the project the model is added in
Enumeration of different model input types.
Enumeration of different types of model tasks.
Model schema with the details of each column
XAI parameters set for a model
Description of the model
Model algorithm
A string providing information about the software library and version used to train and run this model
Event id column to be found in published data for the model
Timestamp column to be found in published data for the model
Format of the timestamp like datetime, epoch time etc.
Created model JSON response
API version.
Type of response, indicating a normal response.