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List of baselines of a model
model id path parameter
List of baselines of a model
API version of the response.
Type of response, indicating a paginated response.
Delete baseline from a model
baseline id path parameter
List of baselines based on user permissions and filters
List of baselines
API version of the response.
Type of response, indicating a paginated response.
Get baseline details
baseline id path parameter
API version.
Type of response, indicating a normal response.
Adds a baseline to a model
A name describing the baseline
The unique identifier for the model associated with the baseline
The type of baseline, indicating whether it is STATIC or ROLLING.
The environment type for the baseline, indicating whether it applies to production or pre-production environments.
Required when env_type is PRE_PRODUCTION
Start time in milliseconds from epoch for production data
End time in milliseconds from epoch for production data
x is offset delta for offset=x*window_bin_size
Window size to be used for relative baseline
successful baseline creation
API version.
Type of response, indicating a normal response.