

The Settings section captures team setup, permissions, and credentials. You can access the Settings page from the user settings on the left navigation bar of the Fiddler UI at all times.

Key Tabs within Settings

1. General

The General tab shows your organization name, ID, email, and a few other details. The organization ID is needed when accessing Fiddler from the Fiddler Python API client.

2. Access

The Access tab shows the users, teams, and invitations for everyone in the organization.


The Users tab shows all the users that are part of this organization.


The Teams tab shows all the teams that are part of this organization.

You can create a team by clicking on the plus (+) icon on the top-right.

🚧 Note

Only Administrators can create teams. The plus (+) icon will not be visible unless you have Administrator permissions.


The Invitations tab shows all pending user invitations.

You can invite a user by clicking on the plus (+) icon on the top-right.

🚧 Note

Only Administrators can invite users. The plus (+) icon will not be visible unless you have Administrator permissions.

3. Credentials

The Credentials tab displays user access keys. These access keys are used by Fiddler Python client for authentication. Each Administrator or Member can create a unique key by clicking on Create Key.

Webhook Integrations

Configure a new Webhook integration

From the "Webhook Integrations" tab, use the + icon on the "Wehbook integrations" tab to configure a new webhook.

You will need to specify the following.

  1. A unique webhook name in the "Service name" option. E.g: Fiddler_webhook

  2. Select your webhook service provider e.g: Slack

  3. URL for the service provider where you want to read the messages from Fiddler in your webhook-enabled service. A valid URL :

  4. You can test the webhook service using the "Test" button after you have specified all the details.

Slack messages using Incoming Webhooks

  • Select or Create a Slack channel designated to receive messages.

  • Connect a Slack app to this particular channel.

  • Generate a webhook link.

  • Update the generated webhook link into the "Fiddler->Settings->Webhook" tab, and you're all set!

Edit or Delete a Webhook

You can manage your webhook from the "Webhook Integrations" tab.

  1. Select the webhook that you want to edit/delete using the "..." icon towards the right of a webhook integration row.

  2. Select the "Delete Webhook" option to delete the webhook

🚧 Deleting a Webhook

You will not be able to delete a webhook that is already linked to alerts. To delete the webhook, you will need to modify the alert and then delete the webhook

  1. Select the Edit option to edit the webhook. You will be prompted with the pre-filled details of the webhook service configured.

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