On-prem Installation Guide

Fiddler can run on most mainstream flavors of Kubernetes, provided that a suitable storage class is available to provide POSIX-compliant block storage (see On-prem Technical Requirements).

Before you start

  • Create a namespace where Fiddler will be deployed, or request that a namespace/project be created for you by the team that administers your Kubernetes cluster.

    [~] kubectl create ns my-fiddler-ns
  • Identify the name of the storage class(es) that you will use for Fiddler's block storage needs. Consult the team that administers your Kubernetes cluster for guidance if you are not sure which class to use.

    [~] kubectl get storageclass
    gp2 (default)   kubernetes.io/aws-ebs   Delete          WaitForFirstConsumer   false                  96d
  • If using Kubernetes ingress to route traffic to Fiddler, identify the name of the ingress class that should be used. Consult the team that administers your Kubernetes cluster for guidance if you are not sure which class to use.

    [~] kubectl get ingressclass
    nginx   k8s.io/ingress-nginx   <none>       39d

Quick-start any-prem deployment

Follow the steps below for a quick-start deployment of Fiddler on your Kubernetes cluster suitable for demonstration purposes. This configuration assumes that an ingress controller is available the cluster.

  1. Create a Secret for pulling images from the Fiddler container registry using the YAML manifest provided to you.

    • Verify that the name of the secret is fiddler-pull-secret

      apiVersion: v1
      kind: Secret
        name: fiddler-pull-secret
        .dockerconfigjson: [REDACTED]
      type: kubernetes.io/dockerconfigjson
    • Create the secret in the namespace where Fiddler will be deployed.

      [~] kubectl -n my-fiddler-ns apply -f fiddler-pull-secret.yaml
  2. Deploy Fiddler using Helm.

    [~] helm repo add fiddler https://helm.fiddler.ai/stable/fiddler
    [~] helm repo update
    [~] export STORAGE_CLASS=<my-storage-class>
    [~] export INGRESS_CLASS=<my-ingress-class>
    [~] export FIDDLER_HOSTNAME=fiddler
    [~] export FIDDLER_DOMAIN_NAME=acme.com
    [~] helm upgrade -i -n my-fiddler-ns \
       -f https://helm.fiddler.ai/stable/samples/v2.yaml \
       -f https://helm.fiddler.ai/stable/samples/anyprem.yaml  \
       --set="grafana.grafana\.ini.server.root_url=https://${FIDDLER_FQDN}/grafana" \
       --set=global.hostname=${FIDDLER_HOSTNAME}  \
       --set=global.domain=${FIDDLER_DOMAIN_NAME} \
       --set=global.k8s.storageClass=${STORAGE_CLASS} \
       --set=ingestion.api.volumeClaimTemplates.eventLogs.resources.storageClass=${STORAGE_CLASS} \
       --set=fiddler.ingress.class=${INGRESS_CLASS} \
       --wait \
        fiddler fiddler/fiddler

Last updated

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