Ranking Events

Publish ranking events

The grouped format

Before publishing ranking model events into Fiddler, we need to make sure they are in grouped format (i.e. the listing returned within the same query id—which is usually the group_by argument passed as a part of TaskParams to the Modelobject—is in the same row with other cells as lists). The first row in the example below indicates there are 3 items returned by query id(srch_id' in the table) 1.

Below is an example of what this might look like.

In the above example, srch_id is the name of our group_by column, and the other columns all contain lists corresponding to the given group.

How can I convert a flat CSV file into this format?

If you're storing your data in a flat CSV file (i.e. each row contains a single item), Fiddler provides a utility function that can be used to convert the flat CSV file into the grouped format specified above.

from fiddler.utils.helpers import group_by
import pandas as pd

df = pd.read_csv('path/to/ranking_events.csv')
df_grouped = group_by(df=df, group_by_col='srch_id')

Call model.publish()


In the above example, the group_by_col argument should refer to the same column that was specified in the group_by argument passed to the Model Object.


Update ranking events

Prepare the updating dataframe

We also support updating events for ranking model. You can use model.publish method call with update flag to True and keep the grouped format unchanged.

For example, you might want to alter the exisiting target after events are published. You can create a dataframe in the format below where you add the required updates to the desired column. You can then use model.publish to send us the updated dataframe. Fiddler will recognise the updates to be made and make the changes in the updated columns, while keeping the rest the same.

Call model.publish() with update flag set to True

model.publish(source=modified_df_grouped, update=True)

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