On-prem Technical Requirements

Minimum System Requirements

Fiddler is horizontally scalable to support the throughput requirements for enormous production use-cases. The minimum system requirements below correspond to approximately 20 million inference events monitored per day (~230 EPS) for models with around 100 features, with 90 day retention.

  • Deployment: Kubernetes namespace in AWS, Azure or GCP

  • Compute: A minimum of 96 vCPU cores

  • Memory: 384Gi

  • Persistent volumes: 500 Gi storage across 10 volumes

    • POSIX-compliant block storage

    • 125 MB/s recommended

    • 3,000 IOPS recommended

  • Container Registry: Quay.io or similar

  • Ingress Controller: Ingress-nginx or AWS/GCP/Azure Load Balancer Controller

  • DNS: FQDN that resolves to an L4 or L7 load balancer/proxy that provides TLS termination

Kubernetes Cluster Requirements

As stated above, Fiddler requires a Kubernetes cluster to install into. The following outlines the requirements for this K8 cluster:

  • Node Groups: 2 node groups - 1 for core Fiddler services, 1 for Clickhouse (Fiddler's event database)

  • Resources:

    • Fiddler : 48 vCPUs, 192 Gi

    • Clickhouse : 64 vCPUs, 256 Gi [tagged & tainted]

  • Persistent Volumes: 500 GB (minimum) / 1 TB (recommended)

  • Instance Sizes

    Instance SizeAWSAzureGCP









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